The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Episcopal
Chappaqua, New York
Coffee Hour
Coffee hour is an wonderful time for parishioners to join in a time of fellowship, meet new friends and welcome new people to our St. Mary's family. Coffee hour hosts are asked to bring bagels, coffee cakes, fruit salads, yogurt, or any other items that they feel would make a morning social hour special. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are provided in the kitchen.
Coffee Hour Sign Up
Meet new people, share time with old friends... Please volunteer!
For questions or to volunteer, contact Joseph Dunn at Josephw.dunn@gmail.com.
How to Host Coffee Hour
General Information:
--If you cannot host coffee hour on your assigned day, please find a substitute and contact Joseph Dunn at josephw.dunn@gmail.com
--Contact your co-hosts in advance. Sharing coffee hour hosting is a fun way to get to know another family in the parish. And when you split the responsibilities between prep and clean-up, coffee hour duty is a breeze!
--Feel free to be creative with your own menu! There is not a standing order for bagels so please plan in advance! Plan on bringing enough for approximately 35-45 people. If it is a busy weekend, please plan on adjusting accordingly.
--Milk will be provided in the fridge. Juice mixes and coffee/tea will be provided in the cabinets to the right of the sink. Please be sure to bring any condiments you need for your snacks (cream cheese, jam, butter, etc…)
--Please note that some of our children have severe nut allergies. Therefore, the children’s table must be completely nut-free. Because many packaged foods may have been manufactured with, or exposed to, nut oils and could put children at risk of a life-threatening allergic reaction, please check the labeling carefully. If in doubt, we keep a bin of approved “safe” snacks in the kitchen.
Kitchen Orientation:
--Tablecloths are in a cabinet in the kitchen.
--Paper cups and napkins are in the cabinet by the door. Please use the ceramic mugs in the cabinet. The dishwasher works- directions can be found on the wall.
--Pitchers and thermoses for coffee are in a cabinet.
Sunday Morning Set-Up (before 9:30 AM):
--Pick up the bagels/coffee cakes/whatever you choose. Bring a lemon from home if you wish.
--Set up two tables for the adults outside the kitchen window. Set up one table for the kids. Place tablecloths on tables.
--Start the large coffee pot by 9:45 AM and make 40 cups of coffee. The pot takes 1 hour to perk! If it is a special Sunday with many in attendance, make 60 or 80 cups. (Put only cold water in pots. Use 2 ½ cups coffee for 40 cups coffee, 3 ¾ cups coffee for 60 cups, etc…) Use the large coffee urn for coffee, and a smaller one for tea. Do not plug more that one pot into any one outlet.
--Arrange food on platters and plates. Use small pitchers for milk. Refresh or fill a basket with assorted teas.
--For the adult’s table, arrange the hot/cold cups, napkins, spoons or stirrers, milk, sugar, tea, and a small bowl to collect wrappers
--For the children’s table, make two pitchers of juice from the available mixes. Set on table with small cups. Put snack on the table for kids. (Spread cream cheese on small pieces of bagels if serving them)
--Go to church. Then slip out of church right after communion to pour coffee into thermoses and begin to serve.
--Refill food and beverages as needed.
--Have fun and say hello to everyone!
--Wash and put away everything that has been used. Wipe down the counters and tables thoroughly.
--Take the tablecloths home to wash and return them before the next week. If there are coffee stains on the tablecloths, pour very hot water on the stains before washing.
--Please leave no perishable food behind. (If the milk will still be within the expiration date by the following Sunday, please leave it in the fridge.) Things collect quickly if left!
Thank you for all you do for our St. Mary's community!