The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Episcopal
Chappaqua, New York
Our Organ

In 2007 St. Mary’s replaced its old organ console with a new three-manual Allen Heritage model. The instrument is an acoustic/digital hybrid blending pipe ranks from the earlier Gress-Miles organ with electronic voices ranging from 32-foot pipes to orchestral instruments. The pipe installation phase was completed by the Faucher Organ Company. Their work on the organ included the building of a new five-stop Great chest, a five-stop Swell chest, a new winding system, and a solid-state relay system allowing the console to control the pipe chests.
The three-manual organ console was designed by Burton Tidwell and installed by Lee Stadale. The console controls both the acoustic pipes and electronic voices distributed among 25 audio channels amplified by a 900-watt sound system. Also included are 256 MIDI voices which include 128 general MIDI sounds, along with 94 Allen-sampled orchestral instruments. The orchestral specification is perfect for blended worship.
On December 13, 2008 the new organ was dedicated in memory of Timothy Vernon, beloved former Music Director at St. Mary’s. This event was celebrated with a Dedicatory Concert by renowned organist Anthony Newman, whom many consider America's foremost Baroque interpreter. He has been described by Wynton Marsalis as "the High Priest of Bach" and by Time Magazine as "High Priest of the Harpsichord." In addition to playing several pieces by J.S. Bach, Mr. Newman performed works of Mozart, some "bird" pieces by French composers, as well as one of his own compositions.
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The church sanctuary at St. Mary's is also home to a beautiful vintage Steinway & Sons grand piano that has recently undergone a full restoration.