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Outreach in the Local/Westchester Area


Here are some of the local groups we have supported with financial assistance and/or hands-on help:




Mission: To provide a cost-effective, local solution to the national crisis in affordable housing. A-HOME operates 17 houses in northern Westchester for clients that include older adults, disabled individuals, and single-parent families who cannot afford market rental rates. A-HOME also promotes independent living with case management and a network of community support.


Boys and Girls Club of Northern Westchester 

Mission: To provide a safe and fun place for children to learn and grow in the community.


Emergency Shelter Partnership

Mission: To provide short-term, emergency shelter for those in need during the coldest five months of the year.


Hope’s Door

Mission: To provide a safe haven for victims of domestic violence. Programs include an emergency shelter, counseling, support groups, legal services, children’s programs, and a 24-hour hotline.


Hour Children’s Center at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility

Mission: To allow incarcerated women with infants to keep their babies with them, facilitating bonding and good parenting skills. The Center also offers programs to allow older children to visit their mothers.


Interfaith Emergency Food Pantry, Pleasantville

Mission: To provide food to local families in need. As well as giving financial support, St. Mary’s regularly collects non-perishable foods for the pantry.


Midnight Run

Mission: To minister to the homeless on the streets of New York. Members of St. Mary’s donate clothing and toiletries, prepare a nourishing meal, and volunteer to distribute these items on late-night relief missions to homeless on the streets of New York. Human interaction, more than the exchange of goods, is the essence of the Midnight Run mission.


Neighbors Link, Mt. Kisco

Mission: To deal positively and productively with the realities of immigration in our community. In its strategy to educate, employ, and empower, Neighbors Link offers English classes, employment skills, and an after-school program for elementary-age children. It also maintains a hiring site and job skills bank.


Second Chance Foods

Mission: To collect healthy food that would otherwise be wasted and make nutritious meals for those in need.




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