The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Episcopal
Chappaqua, New York
NEW! Click here to pledge online.
The one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
—2 Corinthians 9:6
For over a century, the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin has been a beacon of Hope, Grace, and Joy in our community. Through our commitment to St. Mary’s, we bear witness to our Christian faith of standing with the poor, the disabled, the vulnerable, and those in need.
Our inclusive faith community continues to command an important place in Chappaqua through our liturgy and worship, music and the arts, outreach, Christian education for all ages, and spiritual presence.
Your gracious generosity in making an annual pledge commitment will enable the Parish to continue radiating Hope, Grace, and Joy in Chappaqua and beyond.
Your gift is precious. With it and with God’s grace, we shall continue to “have our hearts burn” in our sincere endeavor to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ from generation to generation.
We encourage you to give from your resources of time, talent, and treasure as together we respond to the generosity of our Holy God.
On behalf of the Vestry - thank you!