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Children & Outreach


St. Mary’s believes that Outreach is an important part of Christian Education. Children of all ages are involved in various hands-on outreach projects that put into action the Christian values they learn in our classrooms.


Some examples of past activities include:


Advent Giving Tree

Children in Church School decorate paper ornaments to be hung on the parish Advent Giving Tree, each ornament representing an organization with a requested gift of $25 or less. As a result various local groups receive gifts which help to make the season a little brighter for the less fortunate.


Gingerbread House Auction

Young teens construct gingerbread houses that are put on the auction block after the Christmas Pageant. Recently the auction raised money which was used to purchase school supplies and backpacks for refugee children arriving in the U.S. from countries around the world through the International Rescue Committee.


“Souper Bowl” Sunday      

In February, on the same date as the "other" Super Bowl, teens prepare and sell soup during Coffee Hour. Proceeds benefit our local Interfaith Emergency Food Pantry.


Bedford Hills Correctional Center

Children bag lunches and goodie bags for children visiting their mothers and also collect toys for the Center’s teen program. 



(top): Middle School students at "Souper Bowl" Sunday; (above): Children and adults gather to prepare food and sort clothing for a Midnight Run.


© 2013 by Church of St. Mary the Virgin. all rights preserved.

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